
Showing posts from September 25, 2016

I am in Rome....

                                                                                                                      Rome....the eternal city tempted me before starting my trip to Italy. The occasion came on 3 rd of September (Saturday). Peter dropped me at Arona station at early morning 6.20 am. The station was not even having a single passenger at that time. Since I had booked the ticket in advance, there was no need to tickets. I had to travel from Arona to Milano Centralle by regional train then Milano to Roma Termini station by a high speed train. The LCD display indicated that the train arrives at platform no. 3. Peter came along with me till the plat form and he advised me to take a metro train after arrival at Roma Termini to go to my hotel. The train came at right time. There were hardly 10 passengers to board the train from Arona. The station was clean, no garbage or dust anywhere. As there was no seat number mentioned in the ticket boarded a coach which was near t

Our Farm Visit

On 31st August, our host Elisa arranged a local farm tour with dinner. The farm house was around 30 minutes walk from Armeno on the hill side. It was a wonderful opportunity to see the rural life of Italy and enjoy the traditional cuisine. Find the pictures of our visit herewith The team on the walk  leading with a smile.  Picture from the uphill A truck with logs  A beautiful place for a treat Our host with Elisa Oh.. my favourite animal Farm fresh cheese Red sweet wine to sweeten our moments The palette of food busy to taste..  A wonderful person and a perfect professional 

The summer school -Academic sessions

Schedule : 7-8 Breakfast, Ist Session 8.30 to 10, break, next session 10.15 to 11.45  break for coffee, re-cap by the group, lunch break 1 pm -2.30 pm sessions 2.30 to 4 pm, 4.30 pm to 6 pm  Dinner at 8 Later dinner time changed to 7.30 as some of the participants wanted to have a walk after the dinner.  Groups were created to have in-depth look in to the topics and also to do a project work. My group included Mr. Wojciech (Poland), Dr. Rafel (Mexico), Dr. Catalin (Hungary) and Dr. Aysegul (Turkey). Prof. Cantoni very well synthesised the concept of etourism communication in ABCDE i.e. Access, Better, Connect, Dis-intermediate and Educate, and rightly we got the title of the group as connect---connect the world…. The sessions were focused on the role of ICT in intercultural communications. For me, all the sessions were really useful as the topics discussed provided insight to the new dimension of tourism industry. All deliberations were followed by discussions and sum

Our trip to Lake Stressa

Wojciech Lesniewski (Poland) hired a car from the airport to Armeno and he kept it with him till the course completed. When the classes ended on 31 August he informed us that he is going to a nearby lake the car is have space for 4 persons. Shree, Zeya, Pushpita joined Wojciech  to Lake Stressa. He adjusted the GPS and we started at around 6 pm. The drive to Lake Stressa gave us a real panorama of the Europe. There were very less number of traffic in the road. Completely green all around. Small hills and valleys. Beautiful farm houses appears at some distance with tile roofs. Complete silence everywhere.  The car (Ford-compact) with a 1600 cc engine, which is not available in India right now. We could get the driving skill of Wojciech as he smoothly passaged the curves and turns at a speed of around 70 km/h, which I would have driven at a speed of 40 km/h. Some beautiful town appeared ahead. There are clearly marked space for car parking. Cameras are kept by police to track t