
Showing posts from August 5, 2018

An ever memorable experience with our Border Men --Border Security Force 11 Battalion

The day started early as the morning son reaches horizon pretty early in North Eastern States. I completed my morning walk of almost two k.m. and returned to the hostel by 6.30 am. Had a cup of hot tea outside in a small shop. The chilling cold prevailed till 9 am. Some pictures of the morning of Shillong will definitely pull your mind and tempt you to visit this place next time.  The city is built on the hill slopes. Beautiful demonstration of the skill of man to occupy the serene hill slope.  Our team prepared the schedule to cover the local attractions that day. At first we visited Don Bosco Museum. This museum tells you the anthropological and ethnic features of tribes of North Eastern States in detail. The cultural life and the social life is displayed through photographs, representation of tools used in day today life, musical instruments, clothing pattern etc. wonderfully presented in different levels.  The sky walk at the roof provide a birds view of the city of Shillon

A visit to Assam & Meghalaya with students ..Part 1

Our Thai student Lam Manish in action A trip with my students (MTTM) to Assam & Meghalaya was indeed a great experience as a teacher. Every single moment of this trip was worth to remember. Our train Okha - Guwahati train reached the destination with a delay of around 10 hours or so. Tired faces and still excited faces as many of my students were going to north eastern states of India first time in their life. A damaged structure of Kali Temple at Kamakya Temple premises  Our accommodation was arranged at Assam state Handloom Corporation Guest House.  We scheduled our first day to visit Kamakya temple. Its one of the very popular temples in India and amba-buchi mela held in June every year attracts huge amount of pilgrims. We reached the temple at around 7.30 am in the morning and stood in que to get darshan. The waiting continued till  3.15 pm in the afternoon, meanwhile many students were badly hungry as the belief to have darshan of the Goddess with empty s