
Showing posts from March 21, 2010


Life is a game.. which plays with emotions.. emotions take you for a ride, chance of winning is fairly bad, when your fate is not unavourable to you, what make you happy  can make you sad too ... pleasure and pain is momentous, but pleasure goes fast,  while pain last long can you match with sadness and happiness sadness put you down in life,  though happiness inspire you for time being... but my question is clear? if your life is full of sadness.....! even GOD cant save me, ha... ha... ha....

Little drops of happiness

Sorrows take you to the depth of disappointment... sometimes think of why a life like this... we say it is Karma.... is it really true... Why should this sufferings in the life.. a short life or a long life.. do you really feel the pleasure of living.. My answer is no... its a race of many things in the child hood to be number one in class in the college to become a topper in the job to perform well and get the star personal life never compromises with you... atleast in my life.. the sum of life is frustration you have to take out to some one grief and sorrow that you borrow from some one.... or pain and misery all through the life... what you say... its my life .. wish as you live... pain ya pleasure... enjoy the life becoz it is short days will go.. as you count he seconds of your clock count down started... awaits you a world of ......?

Scary Nights

When the sun disappears in the horizon, and shades of darkness grip the earth, my mind is filled with scary thoughts, eyes are tired and legs are shaky Thoughts, thoughts, unending thoughts.. graze my mind and puts my body down.. pass each moment with great difficulty, shocking dreams drag me all through the night fighting with the mysteries of life I am tired of living in this hell around waiting for the sunlight to come waiting for the day to start