I am in Rome....

Rome....the eternal city tempted me before starting my trip to Italy. The occasion came on 3rd of September (Saturday). Peter dropped me at Arona station at early morning 6.20 am. The station was not even having a single passenger at that time. Since I had booked the ticket in advance, there was no need to tickets. I had to travel from Arona to Milano Centralle by regional train then Milano to Roma Termini station by a high speed train. The LCD display indicated that the train arrives at platform no. 3. Peter came along with me till the plat form and he advised me to take a metro train after arrival at Roma Termini to go to my hotel.

The train came at right time. There were hardly 10 passengers to board the train from Arona. The station was clean, no garbage or dust anywhere. As there was no seat number mentioned in the ticket boarded a coach which was near to me. It was a double decker train. The doors automatically closed in two minutes, and the train started moving. Complete silence everywhere. The coached were inter connected and centrally air conditioned. Cushion seats were comfortable. Announcements in Italian whenever there is a halt. No ticket examiners or vendors. People of different attire boarded the train at different stations. It reached Milano Centralle a small station from inside, but look very elegant. I come to know later that the station building is quite huge. I had to catch my next train to Roma Termini Station. While moving ahead I found some railway employees whom I asked where I can find the platform of the train as there was no display of the platform for the train. They directed me to platform no.9.
The train came 10 minutes before departure. No whistles, or no noise. All passengers rushed to the respective coaches and I too found my coach easily. It was the tail end of the train as the coach no was 11. At right time the train started from Milan, Now the journey looks more sophisticated. The train is full of passengers, and everyone is restricted to themselves only. Few minutes later the TTE came, I show the ticket in my mobile. Sometimes later the snacks tea and bar stuff. (In our language Pantry wala). But the person had a decent uniform, and the menu also contained standard dishes though it was limited in items.). In the mean time I just looked the sceneries passed near my window.  The TV monitor indicated the speed of the train (At a consistent speed of 245 km per hour). Mean time I also found some Indian (tourists) on board.

Lost at Roma Termini Station
The train took three hours to cover the distance. I moved to the exit. I wanted to go to the hotel and leave my bag pack before going for sightseeing. Since I was badly hungry I took a double burger which cost me  4.70 euro. Then I moved to the exit. No idea, how to find the metro train which leads to my hotel. For few minutes I was literally lost. After some time, I got confidence, whatever happens I will complete my Rome Trip. After searching for metro sign, I found a subway. Moved ahead, found some people in a line in front of the office. I too stood for 30 minutes. But there was no progress. Then I boldly moved to the platform side. There I found some machines which vendor tickets. I didn’t even know how much I have to put in the machine. Then I found a security woman and asked her how I can get a ticket , how much I have to pay. She directed me in Italian. I took coins of one euro and 50 cents and kept in the machine. I got a ticket. While moving near to the platform the machine scanned my ticket and I reached the platform.
In few minutes, the train came. I boarded it. After some hesitations I asked whether it go to my destination. A passenger near me told no, it goes the opposite direction. While checking at the display board I found the Colosseum station is next where I alighted. I changed my plans and thought to complete the sight seeing first then to hotel.

Ohhh, its Colosseum         
Colosseum and Roman column
My excitement and bewilderment reached its heights, when I found Colosseum in my own eyes. The historical building which hosted the cruel entertainment fests  of  the Roman rulers. My imaginations took me to centuries back where the gladiators show their bravery, animals fight for their life in front of thousands of spectators. The online reviews clearly indicated that there would be long ques at ticket counters and I may have to stand for several hours in the scorching heat. The sun was its peak by 1.30 pm and the temperature would be around 36 degree.
inside view of Colosseum
a painting depicts the eventful days at Colosseum
Looking at the que I moved the nearby monument called Roman Forum to get the tickets. If you take a ticket for 12 euros, it is applicable for three monuments which also include the Colosseum. I got a ticket through my card as it the line was meant for only card holders. Once I got the ticket, I moved to the ancient site. On the way to the site I found people selling water bottles for one euro (500 ml). Little ahead a team of 3 youth were sitting and one spoke to me in a language, then immediately changed to Namasthey, once I told I am from India. He just asked me to sign and write the nationality, then the next coloumn was some donation. I told them that I am a student came for research purpose. Then gracefully he told that is fine. Without paying anything as donation, I moved to the site. It is really possible to explain the vastness of the site Roman Forum. You will definitely realise the glory of the Roma empire, who ruled the half o the world. Now the columns and some ruins stand as the witness of the history.
There are several adjacent monuments, including a church built in 5th century AD can be seen here. In a church a hi-tech projection system with sound and coulourful lights, the history and importance is explained to the visitors.   
I moved to my prime attraction, i.e. Colosseum. There the que was quite long, but since I had the ticket, I moved to the counter where there was another que for ticket holders. There were  people every where from different countries. Guides were explaining in their own way. The historical moment of mine when I stepped inside the huge building. Huge columns, corridors, walls. The steps took us to the top of the building. Just imagined self standing at the gallery and looking at the fight scenes as if I am living in 200 BC. The scenes of Gladiator Movie came in to mind where Maximus is fighting with the animals, warriors and then Caesar.
Lot of Japanese and Chinese tourists. It seemed that people from all part of the globe were touring to Rome that day. After spending some two hours inside Colosseum I headed to the next destination. Fontana de Trivi (A fountain) which was recommended by my friend from Mexico. I asked the security persons how to proceed to the place, they told me the route. A walk of roughly 30 minutes. During the walk there were several points I could see the ruins of the monuments. There were some street musicians performing in the side. People moving in groups all roads. All buildings and street appear the same way. City buses, tourist buses and taxis make the traffic busy. But everyone follows rules.
I reached Fontanta de Trivi. It is a fountain with crystal blue water. The sculptures were in white marble and lot of people were sitting near to the water fountain area. My next stop was Pantheon, the Roman columns. It was further half an hour of walk ahead. Looking at the restaurants filled with tourists zipping their favourite  drinks.
When I reached I found an interesting scene. A yogi in yellow dress sitting in the air. (But there is a supporting stand) some people were throwing the coins in a small flower covered tray in the floor.
My that day tours were over, and exhausted with de-hydration at some levels. Extreme heat. Wanted to go back to the hotel. Looked for a bus which the tourist information counter recommended. Another interesting fact is the local bus tickets are sold through small shops which sells normally tobacco, etc.
When a bus came I asked the driver about the location I have to go, he told it wont go there. The route boards clearly mentioned about the place and bus numbers, but unfortunately I continued my wait for 1 hour or so. Many buses came to St. Petro (means Vatican). Finally I thought to board the bus to Vatican. In the bus I found a Christian Priest from Goa, whom I asked details about the pass to go inside and see the St. Peters Church.
Picture of Mother Teresa at St. Petersburg
Once we reached the site, I alighted from the bus and moved towards the security screening point. After x-raying the luggage,  I moved to the inside of the square. I saw pictures and videos of the square in news programmes, but it was quite exciting to see the great place. While moving through the corridors, I asked where I can collect the pass for the canonisation ceremony of St. Mother Teresa.   The Swiss guard asked me whether I had any online reservation, I told no. He then asked me where I am coming from. I told I am from India and I want to attend the canonisation ceremony of St. Teresa. He handed over me a pass without asking any questions and greeted me in Italian (Gratse means thanks).
St. Petersburg Basilica
The inside of St. Peters Church is really a treasure trove for art lovers. So many paintings, sculptures all depict  Christian art. For pilgrims, it is one of their prime attraction as Vatican is the place where the Pope lives. It is the head quarters of millions of Christian people. After going through the inside area of the church, I moved ahead did some shopping and walked towards the bus station. Here too I needed a bus ticket. I found a Chinese shop selling the tickets, and this time I bought a ticket for 12.50 euros which permits multiple travel in 48 hours.
Once again I have to ask the bus number from the nearby Police booth, they directed me to board a bus with no. 46. Here I found two Punjabi brothers selling handicraft items and I spoke to one of the brother very happily in Hindi.
Once boarded the bus, this time I was careful, because earlier I didn’t validate my pass. A senior woman spoke me in Italian or Spanish but I could not make it. Then she validated here pass by entering it in to a small box, kept near to the driver’s side. I waited till the location di Bochhaio reach, then alighted from the bus.

Reaching my hotel
   It was already 7.15 but there was enough sunlight. After walking a street I found just ahead, I found a church nearby. I went inside the church and asked one of the elderly person sitting on a bench. He told me a lot of things in Italian. I couldn’t understand even a single word. Then he took me to the road and told through gestures. There is a church ahead, I should ask there (Probably)
Further walks for a kilometre; reached a church. Fortunately found a Keralite nun. Meantime another Keralite came and told me to board a bus the location is after three bus station ahead. I told him if it can be at a walking distance, I can cover it by walk. He also shown me a internet telephone booth, which was owned by someone from Bangladesh. I spoke to my parents in Kerala and my wife after a gap of a week. Since it was internet telephone, the cost was very less as I paid only less than a euro for both calls for few minutes. 

Another walk of 45 minutes. There I could found the building number same as of my address. Reached the gates. It was not a hotel. It was a guest house attached to a church. There is no one in the guest house. I found a switch and after pressing a beep sound came up. I spoke to the slot by giving reference. After some time the gate was opened  and I moved inside. This time again another encounter with language. The person in the reception only speaks Italian. He show me chairs and went upstairs. To my surprise a Keralite Priest came. He asked me my details and whose reference I am there. I told him about Peter. After a brief interaction he told me that thee is a Keralite family attending the Canonisation programme and get ready at 2.30 am so that he can take us to the venue.

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